Making carbonara pasta, simply and tasty!
Posted by Irene on 10/11/2018

Making carbonara pasta, simply and tasty!
The origins of “Carbonara” are still unclear. The story we like best is that of a typical Italian show of hospitality. During the final months of WW2 the poor, struggling families from the area around Rome did all they could to welcome the allied soldiers on their way North to free Italy. Knowing how much Americans love eggs and bacon they came up with a new pasta dish for them, a regular order of Bacon and eggs served on pasta! The crunchy bits of bacon and creamy egg and cheese sauce create a luscious sauce for your pasta.

Ingredients for 4 people:
17oz dried spaghetti
8 tablespoons Pecorino Romano or Parmesan cheese, finely grate
1 Terra di Siena diced pancetta pack
Freshly milled black pepper
Olive oil
4 large eggs

Bring some water to a boil and salt it well. Slightly undercook the pasta and finish them in the pan later.
Meanwhile, heat a frying pan and fry the pancetta (or the jowl) without any extra oil until it's crisp and golden, about 5 minutes.
Whisk the eggsina bowl and season generously with black pepper then whisk in the cheese.
When the pasta is cooked, drain it quickly in a colander, leaving a little of the moisture still clinging.
Return the pasta to the saucepan and add the pancetta or the jowl and any oil in the pan.
Turn off the fire and stir very thoroughly so the egg won't cook into frittata.
Serve the pasta on really hot deep plates with some extra grated cheese.
Posted in: Recipes